FTP Tutorial



This document is an introduction to the file transfer protocol that can be used to place

new files or upgrades on your Device Gate. 



Modifying files on your Device Gate could lead to failure of DN-MEM or CD-MEM and

the loss of data.



FTP is a simple,  yet powerful way to transfer files between electronic devices.  To use

the ftp capability that is built into the Device Gate an ftp client is required.  All

distributions of Windows (excluding Windows 3.x) contain ftp software.  Instructions on

using Windows command line ftp,  and the graphical ftp client that is built into Internet

Explorer are contained in this document.  The command line instructions can be applied

to almost all command based ftp clients,  even those that reside on Linux and Unix



Command Line Ftp


1.   Click on the Start button.

2.   Then click Run,  and enter the command “ftp” and hit enter. (All commands will

be contained within quote marks.  Enter the text,  minus the quote marks.)

3.   You will now have a window that contains the ftp> prompt.  Type “open” and hit


4.   Type the I.P. address of your Device Gate,  and hit enter.

5.   You are now connected to your device.  You will now be asked to enter a

username and password.  The username and password are both “ftp”.

6.   You are now logged into the Device Gate.  To put files on the Device Gate type

“put” and then the complete path to the file you want to upload i.e.

c:\devicegate\cdmem.exe.  Try to avoid storing the files in folders that are inside

other folders.  It can be very confusing to upload those files. 

7.   If you would like to upload an entire directory type “mput c:\pathname\*.*”  It

will ask for confirmation on the files you wish to upload.

8.   To download files FROM your device gate,  connect,  and log in using the

username and password “ftp”.

9.   Type “get filename” and hit enter.  This will download the file and put it in c:\. 

Note,  on Windows XP the ftp client seems to save the files on the Desktop for

easy access..  To copy all the contents of the Device Gate,  enter the command

“get *.*”


Internet Explorer FTP


1.   Open Internet Explorer.

2.   In the address bar,  enter “”.  The address should be modified

for the Device Gates I.P. address.  After typing the address hit enter.  You may be

asked for a user name and password.  If you are asked,  simply enter ftp as the

username and ftp as the password.

3.   You should now be connected to your Device Gate.  You will now be able to drag

and drop files to and from the Device Gate in a simple,  graphical manner.  You

can either drag files to the desktop,  or right click files and select copy,  and then

paste it into a directory on your computer. 


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Questions?  Comments?  Concerns?

Contact Dan Nehring at dnehring@huronnet.com